Jan. to Mar. 2024

1st Jan

Club closed - Happy New Year

8th Jan Singaround
15th Jan Jez Lowe Ever popular singer-songwriter Jez , with classics like Greek Lightning and Back in Durham Gaol, continues to produce a steady stream of brilliant new songs.An ambassador for the North East, he is a hugely entertaining performer and surely needs no further recommendation!
22nd Jan Singaround
29th Jan Singaround
5th Feb Hotspot : Sylviane Bartkoviak & Richard Featherstone often delight us and impress our guests with driving tune-sets from English, French and occcasionally Scottish traditions. Your chance to hear more.
12th Feb Singaround
19th Feb Singaround
26th Feb Reg Meuross Return of a master songwriter whose fine voice and accomplished guitar do justice to memorable songs like England Green and England Grey; And Jesus Wept and many more. "A mighty songwriter and an equally fine singer" [Martin Carthy]
4th Mar Singaround
11th Mar Singaround
18th Mar Marie Little is held in great affection by her many fans which she returns to her audiences with warmth and humour. She has a great voice and some terrific material which can be anything from mining songs to music hall, from country to protest.
25th Mar Singaround